Preservice art educators and students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Fostering teaching and learning experiences through a program-wide curriculum
This presentation will share how the Art Education Program incorporates art education for special populations throughout its course of study, how it is linked to current research and trends in the field, and how it has impacted the educators who have graduated from the program. In addition, the Special Populations professor will share the structure and outcomes of the course, and examples of lessons, assessments, modifications, and student-teacher narratives. A particular focus will be paid to how students with ASD have been addresses in the course, as well as examples of their artwork.
Lauren StichterAdjunct Professor
Moore College of Art and Design ( Philadelphia, PA Lauren Stichter has taught art at the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf for the past 14 years. Lauren has also been an adjunct professor at Moore College of Art and Design for the past 5 years where she teaches the special populations in the art education department. In 2009, Lauren worked at the Latika Roy Foundation in Northern India where she trained special education teachers how to incorporate art into their curriculum. Lauren is also the Pennsylvania Art Education Association Chairperson for Special Needs in Art Education. Lauren has recently begun a collegial assembly in Pennsylvania where she and her colleagues are working together to further research and work in the field of special needs and art education.